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Department of History and Philosophy of Science


Intermission of doctoral study

If for any reason you have to stop research for a period, you can apply to intermit your studies. During that period you do not have to pay fees. You should apply by completing the form on CamSIS. You must give as much notice as possible to your College, and you are also responsible for notifying your grant-giving body.

Retrospective applications for intermission will not be accepted; you must apply in advance.

Student Registry: Medical intermission

Student Registry: Non-medical intermission

Working away from Cambridge

You should be resident in Cambridge for at least three terms, not including any terms spent as an MPhil student. The normal expectation is that if you do not have leave to work away, you will spend nine terms undertaking supervised research in Cambridge. You are expected to reside in Cambridge for the full duration of your studies, unless there are academic reasons for you to be elsewhere.

It is possible to obtain permission to work away from Cambridge for one or more terms provided that there are good academic reasons and adequate arrangements can be made for supervision in another institution. Permission will not normally be granted until your first-year registration has been completed. Application must be made on the form available on CamSIS, which should be accompanied by your supervisor's comments. Your application will be considered for approval by the Degree Committee.

You should notify your College well in advance that you will be working away. You are also responsible for notifying your grant-giving body and obtaining the necessary approval from it.

Retrospective applications for leave to work away from Cambridge will not be accepted; you must apply in advance.

Fieldwork, working away, risk assessment and insurance

Student Registry: Work away from Cambridge

Application for fieldwork funds

Fieldwork funding: guidance for research students