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Cristian Larroulet Philippi
Thesis: On the challenges of measurement in the human sciences
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Zinhle Mncube
Thesis: The prospects of personalising medicine
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California San Diego & Assistant Professor, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Adrian Erasmus
Thesis: Predicting the effectiveness of medical interventions
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Alabama
Jenny Bulstrode
Thesis: The eye of the needle: magnetic survey and the compass of capital in the age of revolution and reform
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow in the History of Science, Jesus College, Cambridge
Last known: Lecturer in History of Science and Technology, UCL STS
Sebastian De Haro
Thesis: On inter-theoretic relations and scientific realism
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation and Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam
Meira Gold
Thesis: Victorian Egyptology and the making of a colonial field science, 1850–1906
Placement after PhD: Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Edwin Rose
Thesis: Managing nature in the Age of Enlightenment: the practice of natural history in Britain, 1760–1820
Placement after PhD: Munby Fellow, Cambridge University Library
Joseph Wu
Thesis: The limits of screening
Placement after PhD: Medical student, Brown University
Last known: Resident Physician, Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
James Hall
Thesis: Serpents of empire: moral encounters in natural history c. 1780–1870
Placement after PhD: REF Impact Support Officer, University of Leeds
Sebestian Kroupa
Thesis: Georg Joseph Kamel (1661–1706): a Jesuit pharmacist at the frontiers of colonial empires
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher, KCL
Karoliina Pulkkinen
Thesis: Values in action: simplicity, completeness and carefulness in the development of the systematisations of chemical elements
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher, KTH, Stockholm
John Michael Thornton
Thesis: Cyberhealth and informational wellbeing
Placement after PhD: Product lead at BIOS, neural interface company
Jack Wright
Thesis: Pluralism and social epistemology in economics
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities), Cambridge
Pascal Zambito
Thesis: 'Logic is a geometry of thinking': space and spatial frameworks in Wittgenstein's writings
Placement after PhD: Feodor Lynen Fellowship, Universität Wien
Stijn Conix
Thesis: Radical pluralism, ontological underdetermination, and the role of values in species classification
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Leuven
Christophe Schinckus
Thesis: When physics became undisciplined: an essay on econophysics
Placement after PhD: Professor and Head of School of Accounting and Finance, Taylor's University (Malaysia) and Honorary Professor at the School of Business, University of Leicester (UK)
Susanne Schmidt
Thesis: The midlife crisis, gender, and social science in the United States, 1970–2000
Placement after PhD: Research Associate and Lecturer, History, Freie Universität Berlin
Feraz Azhar
Thesis: Probabilistic reasoning in the inflationary universe
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University
Tillmann Taape
Thesis: Hieronymus Brunschwig and the making of vernacular medical knowledge in early German print
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Columbia University
Leah Astbury
Thesis: Breeding women and lusty infants in seventeenth-century England
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Trust Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Megan Barford
Thesis: Naval hydrography, charismatic bureaucracy and the British military state, 1825–1855
Placement after PhD: Curator of Cartography, Royal Museums Greenwich, London
Riana Betzler
Thesis: Why empathy? The pernicious consequences of conceptual confusion in empathy research
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Andrew Buskell
Thesis: Modelling culture: a philosophical examination of cultural dynamics and cultural evolution
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, LSE London
Last known: Research Associate, HPS Cambridge
Seb Falk
Thesis: Improving instruments: equatoria, astrolabes and the practices of monastic astronomy in late medieval England
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Girton College, Cambridge
Iris Montero Sobrevilla
Thesis: Transatlantic hum: natural history and the itineraries of the torpid hummingbird
Placement after PhD: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, Brown University
Last known: Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies, Brown University
Dmitriy Myelnikov
Thesis: Transforming mice: technique and communication in the making of transgenic animals, 1974–1988
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Edinburgh
Last known: Research Associate, University of Manchester
Eoin Phillips
Thesis: Making time fit: astronomers, artisans and the state, 1770–1820
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, Longitude Project, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Postdoctoral Fellow, CEHIC, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
James Poskett
Thesis: Metropole of the mind: phrenology and the making of a global science, 1815–1923
Placement after PhD: Adrian Research Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge
Last known: Assistant Professor, History, University of Warwick
Kathryn Schoefert
Thesis: The view from the psychiatric laboratory: the research of Ernst Grünthal and his mid-twentieth-century peers
Placement after PhD: Researcher, Generation to Reproduction Project, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Research and Teaching Associate, King's College London
Sophie Waring
Thesis: Thomas Young, the Board of Longitude and the age of reform
Placement after PhD: Modern Collections Curator, Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
Last known: Curator of Chemistry, Science Museum, London
Shahar Avin
Thesis: Breaking the grant cycle: on the rational allocation of public resources to scientific research projects
Placement after PhD: Software Engineer, Google UK Ltd
Last known: Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge
Sophie Brockmann
Thesis: Surveying nature: the creation and communication of natural-historical knowledge in Enlightenment Central America
Placement after PhD: Lecturer in Integrated Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Last known: Early Career Academic Fellow, De Montfort University, Leicester
Will Carruthers
Thesis: Egyptology, archaeology and the making of revolutionary Egypt, c.1925–1958
Placement after PhD: Max Weber Programme Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence
Last known: Lecturer in Heritage and Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Essex
Sean Dyde
Thesis: Brains, minds and nerves in British medicine and physiology, 1764–1852
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: Marie Curie Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Ruth Horry
Thesis: Transitions and transformations in Assyriology, c.1880–1913: artefacts, academics and museums
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, AHRC Scholarly Libraries project, University of Cambridge
Last known: Curator, Wellcome Collection, London
Josh Nall
Thesis: News from Mars: transatlantic mass media and the practice of new astronomy, 1870–1910
Placement after PhD: Assistant Curator, Whipple Museum, HPS Cambridge
Jesse Olszynko-Gryn
Thesis: Pregnancy testing in Britain, c. 1900–67: laboratories, animals and demand from doctors, patients and consumers
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, Generation to Reproduction project, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Head of the Laboratory for Oral History and Experimental Media, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Emma Perkins
Thesis: Non haberi sed esse: Tycho Brahe's self-presentation through visual and material culture
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, AHRC Diagrams Project, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Affiliated Scholar, HPS Cambridge
Arianne Shahvisi
Thesis: On the nature and origins of thermodynamic asymmetry
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, Philosophy, American University of Beirut
Last known: Lecturer in Medical Ethics and Humanities, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Lena Zuchowski
Thesis: On the foundations of chaos and complexity: definitions and differentiations
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, University of Salzburg
Alexandra Bacopoulos-Viau
Thesis: Scripting the mind: automatic writing in France, 1857–1930
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, History, New York University
Last known: Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University
Jenny Bangham
Thesis: Blood groups and the rise of human genetics in mid-twentieth century Britain
Placement after PhD: Research scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: Wellcome Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Katy Barrett
Thesis: The wanton line: Hogarth and the public life of longitude
Placement after PhD: Curator of Art, Royal Museums Greenwich, London
Jonathan Birch
Thesis: Kin selection: a philosophical analysis
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Last known: Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, LSE, London
Michael Bycroft
Thesis: Physics and natural history in the eighteenth century: the case of Charles Dufay
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: Assistant Professor, History of Science and Technology, University of Warwick
Katharina Kraus
Thesis: Psychological knowledge in Kant's critical thinking
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Last known: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Allison Ksiazkiewicz
Thesis: Geology and neoclassical aesthetics: visualizing the structure of the Earth in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Britain
Placement after PhD: Documentation assistant, Whipple Museum, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Postdoctoral Fellow, Paul Mellon Centre for British Art
Emily McTernan
Thesis: Equality and responsibility
Placement after PhD: Lecturer, Political Theory, University College London
Joeri Witteveen
Thesis: Rethinking 'typological' vs. 'population' thinking: a historical and philosophical reassessment of a troubled dichotomy
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University
Last known: VENI Postdoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University
Caitlin Wylie
Thesis: Invisible technicians: a sociology of scientific work, workers and specimens in paleontology laboratories
Placement after PhD: Lectureship, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Last known: Associate Professor, Science Technology and Medicine, University of Virginia
Joanna Burch Brown
Thesis: Consequences, action guidance and ignorance
Placement after PhD: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Bristol
Yoon Choi
Thesis: Kant's theory of self-consciousness
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Tufts University
Last known: Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Marquette University
Susannah Gibson
Thesis: The pursuit of nature: defining natural histories in eighteenth-century Britain
Placement after PhD: Festival Manager, Cambridge Literary Festival
Last known: Cambridge Philosophical Society
Natasha Goldberg
Thesis: Selfish genes and nature's joints: the role of metaphor in the realist/relativist debate in philosophy of science
Placement after PhD: Professional classical singer
Jiri Hudecek
Thesis: You do yours and I do mine: Wu Wen-Tsun and Traditional Chinese Mathematics
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Charles University, Prague
Boris Jardine
Thesis: Scientific moderns
Placement after PhD: Curator, Science Museum, London
Last known: Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Katie Taylor
Thesis: Communicating mathematics through vernacular books in Elizabethan England
Placement after PhD: Festival Manager, Cambridge Literary Festival
Last known: Director of Fundraising and New Programmes, Speakers Trust
Nic Teh
Thesis: On topological objects in field theory
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Last known: Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
Julie Walsh
Thesis: Narcissism and its discontents
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Warwick
Billy Wheeler
Thesis: The metaphysics of ideal laws: a Humean account
Placement after PhD: Lecturer in Philosophy, King Edward VI Grammar School (KEGS), Chelmsford
Last known: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Science and Society, College of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity, Hanoi
Geoff Belknap
Thesis: From a photograph: photography and the periodical print press, 1870–1890
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow at Harvard University and Darwin Correspondence Project, University Library, Cambridge
Last known: Curator of Photography and Photographic Technology, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford
Mirjam Brusius
Thesis: Preserving the forgotten: William Henry Fox Talbot, photography and the antique
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: TORCH unit, University of Oxford
Sophia Davis
Thesis: 'Britain an island again': nature, the military and popular views of the British countryside, c.1930–1965
Placement after PhD: Fellowship, Max Planck Institute, Berlin
Last known: Medical Therapist, Berlin
David Feller
Thesis: The hunter's gaze: Charles Darwin and the role of dogs and sport in nineteenth-century natural history
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Darwin College, Cambridge
Last known: Senior Contracts Manager, School of Physical Sciences, Research Operations, University of Cambridge
Daniel Lim
Thesis: Necessitarian dualism: carving a path between type-B physicalism and property dualism
Placement after PhD: Associate Professor, Philosophy, Renmin University, Beijing; Co-director, Center for Analytic Philosophy, Renmin University, Beijing
Sasha Mudd
Thesis: Unity in thought and action: the categorical imperative as the common principle of reason in Kant
Placement after PhD: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Southampton
Sam Nicholson
Thesis: Pessimistic inductions and the tracking condition
Placement after PhD: Not known
Signe Nipper Nielsen
Thesis: From the 'workshop of wonders': observing generation in Danish medicine, 1650–1800
Placement after PhD: Academic staff, SAXO institute, University of Copenhagen
Joe Sandham
Thesis: Worlds apart: a defence of Nelson Goodman's handling of induction in the context of his wider philosophy
Placement after PhD: Taylor Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Nick Whitfield
Thesis: A genealogy of the gift: blood donation in London, 1921–1946
Placement after PhD: Research Fellowship, McGill University
Lydia Wilson
Thesis: Ancient to medieval structures of knowledge: situating al-Farabi's Enumeration of the Sciences
Placement after PhD: Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher, CUNY
Alex Wragge-Morley
Thesis: The work of representing natural things in England, 1650–1720
Placement after PhD: Departmental Lecturer in Early Modern History, Faculty of History and Somerville College, University of Oxford
Last known: Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, Department of History, University College London
Salim Al-Gailani
Thesis: Teratology and the clinic: monsters, obstetrics and the making of antenatal life in Edinburgh
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Research Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Research and Teaching Associate, HPS Cambridge
Michael Bresalier
Thesis: Medical science and the making of a virus disease in London, 1890–1939
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Research Associate, CHSTM, University of Manchester
Last known: Lecturer in the History of Medicine, Swansea University
Tamas Demeter
Thesis: Mental fictionalism
Placement after PhD: Lorenz Krüger Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Berlin
Last known: Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Science's Institute of Philosophy
Bonnie Evans
Thesis: Mental defectives, childhood psychotics and the origins of autism research at the Maudsley Hospital, 1913–1983
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Humanities and Health, King's College London
Last known: Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellow, History, Queen Mary University of London
Sacha Golob
Thesis: Intentionality, freedom, method: theoretical and practical philosophy in Kant and Heidegger
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Peterhouse, Cambridge
Last known: Lecturer in Philosophy, King's College London
Margaret Olszewski
Thesis: Papier-mâché flowers, fruits and seeds: the botanical teaching models of Dr Auzoux in late nineteenth-century France, Great Britain and America
Placement after PhD: Medical Doctor, USA
Jennifer Rampling
Thesis: The alchemy of George Ripley, 1470–1700
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Research Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Assistant Professor, History, Princeton University
Leon Rocha
Thesis: Sex, eugenics, aesthetics, utopia in the life and work of Zhang Jingsheng (1888–1970)
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellowship, Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Last known: Lecturer in Chinese Studies, Department of History, University of Liverpool
Alireza Taheri
Thesis: An analysis of pathological forms of guilt and aggressivity in the work of Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan and Laplanche
Placement after PhD: Lecturer, HamAva Psychoanalytic Institute
Caroline Baumann
Thesis: Social norms, skills and rational choice
Placement after PhD: Not known
Robert Cord
Thesis: The Keynesian revolution: a research school analysis
Placement after PhD: Not known
Natalie Kaoukji
Thesis: Flying to nowhere: mathematical magic and the machine in the library
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Research Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Research Fellow, Casebooks Project, HPS Cambridge
Sharon Ku
Thesis: There's plenty of room at the bottom: a sociology of nanodrug standardisation
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, Berlin
Last known: Assistant Research Professor, History, Drexel University
Nicky Reeves
Thesis: Constructing an instrument: Nevil Maskelyne and the zenith sector, 1760–1774
Placement after PhD: Teaching Associate, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Curator, Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow
Adam Toon
Thesis: Models as make-believe
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Bielefeld
Last known: Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
Katherine Angel
Thesis: Psychosomatic histories and the causes of contemporary biomedicine
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, University of Warwick
Last known: Research Fellowship, Queen Mary, University of London; author
Alex Broadbent
Thesis: A reverse counterfactual analysis of causation
Placement after PhD: Teaching Associate, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg
James Hannam
Thesis: Teaching natural philosophy and mathematics at Oxford and Cambridge, 1500–1570
Placement after PhD: Independent scholar
Ben Irvine
Thesis: The naturalisation of transcendental idealism
Placement after PhD: Independent scholar
Melanie Keene
Thesis: Object lessons: sensory science education, 1830–1870
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Homerton College, Cambridge
Elselijn Kingma
Thesis: Health and disease: defining our concepts
Placement after PhD: Research Fellowship, Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
Last known: Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of Southampton
Wang-Yen Lee
Thesis: Simplicity and abductive arguments for scientific realism
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Last known: Visiting Fellow, Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Nick Tosh
Thesis: History, truth and reasons: a critique of historiographical antirealism
Placement after PhD: University Lecturer, NUI Galway
Paul Dicken
Thesis: A defence of constructive empiricism
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge
Last known: Visiting Professor, University of New South Wales
Bill Grundy
Thesis: Language and world in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigations
Placement after PhD: Not known
Stephen John
Thesis: Vulnerability, risk and disease: a normative framework for public health policy
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Last known: Senior Lecturer, HPS Cambridge
Torben Rees
Thesis: Phenomenal consciousness and the epistemic premise: undermining the introspective arguments against physicalism
Placement after PhD: Research Fellowship, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Systems Developer, Greaves Brewster LLP, Bristol
Francis Reid
Thesis: The province of science: James Hector and the New Zealand Institute, 1867–1903
Placement after PhD: Research Assistant, University of Lincoln
Last known: Business Development Manager, Fonterra; Co-founding Director, Snowball Effect
Jeffrey Skopek
Thesis: Shaping science with the past: textbooks, history and the disciplining of genetics
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Harvard Law School
Last known: Lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge
Anke Timmermann
Thesis: The circulation and reception of a Middle English alchemical poem: the Verses upon the Elixir and the associated corpus of alchemica
Placement after PhD: Senior Historian, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, USA
Last known: Antiquarian book specialist, co-founder and co-owner, Type & Forme, Grantham
Lorenzo Bernasconi
Thesis: The idea of practice theory: a Wittgensteinian critique
Placement after PhD: Teaching Associate, Columbia University
Last known: Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation
Patrick Boner
Thesis: Kepler's living cosmos: bridging the celestial and terrestrial realms
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University
Last known: Associate Scholar in Philosophy, Catholic University of America
Stefan Brenner
Thesis: An eco-dispositional theory of colour
Placement after PhD: Not known
Victoria Carroll
Thesis: Science and eccentricity in early nineteenth-century Britain
Placement after PhD: Curator, National Museum of Science and Industry
Last known: Director, Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London
Jenny Downes
Thesis: Visual portrayals of the new astronomy: Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687)
Placement after PhD: Curator, Science Collections, Marischal Museum, Aberdeen
Last known: Curator and Deputy Head of Museums, University of Aberdeen
Sarah Dry
Thesis: Science, safety and government in mid-Victorian Britain
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, LSE London
Last known: Trustee, Science Museum, London; author
Axel Gelfert
Thesis: The structure of testimonial knowledge
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Last known: Associate Professor, Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Daniel Heard
Thesis: Laws of nature: reductive metaphysics, anti-reductive semantics
Placement after PhD: Not known
Jeff Kochan
Thesis: A poetics of tool use: explorations in Heidegger and science studies
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, University of Alberta
Last known: Research Fellow, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz
Saira Malik
Thesis: Technical terminology in medieval science: the case of Kamal al-Din and the rainbow
Placement after PhD: University Lecturer, Islamic Studies, Cardiff University
Last known: Lecturer, Religious Studies, Cardiff University
Christina McLeish
Thesis: Empty threats: reference failure and scientific realism
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: Writer
Ayesha Nathoo
Thesis: Medicine and the media: negotiating the transplantable heart in Britain, 1967–69
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge
Last known: Wellcome Research Fellow, University of Exeter
Meredith Price
Thesis: DNA and the news media: science journalism and the history of DNA research
Placement after PhD: Management Consultancy, USA
Last known: Medical Doctor, USA
Ayako Sakurai
Thesis: Science, identity and urban reinvention in mercantile city-state: the associational culture of nineteenth-century Frankfurt am Main
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Last known: Associate Professor, Business Administration, Senshu University
Tatjana Buklijas
Thesis: Dissection, discipline and urban transformation: anatomy at the University of Vienna, 1845–1914
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Research Fellowship, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Senior Research Fellow, Liggins Institute, Auckland
Alix Cohen
Thesis: Kant's critique of the human sciences
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge
Last known: Chancellor's Fellow, Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
John Latsis
Thesis: Theories of the arbitrary economy
Placement after PhD: Junior Research Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford
Last known: Associate Professor, Social and Organisational Theory, Henley Business School
Michael Michael
Thesis: Akrasia: an essay on what it means to act without self-restraint
Placement after PhD: Lecturer, Yonsei University
Last known: Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Underwood International College, Yonsei University
Sadiah Qureshi
Thesis: Living curiosities: human ethnological displays in London, 1800–1855
Placement after PhD: Leverhulme Research Fellowship, Classics, University of Cambridge
Last known: Senior Lecturer, History, University of Birmingham
Rob Ralley
Thesis: The clerical physician in late medieval England
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Research Fellow, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Editor, Casebooks Project, HPS Cambridge
Jason Rampelt
Thesis: Distinctions of reason and reasonable distinctions: the academic life of John Wallis (1616–1703)
Placement after PhD: Research Fellowship, St Edmund's College, Cambridge
Last known: Adjunct Teacher, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh; Fellow, Greystone Theological Institute, Pittsburgh
Mark Sprevak
Thesis: Computation in Mind and World
Placement after PhD: Leverhulme/King's Early Career Fellow in Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Last known: Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, Psychology and Language Studies, University of Edinburgh
Katrina Dean
Thesis: Settler physics in Australia and Cambridge, 1850–1950
Placement after PhD: Curator for History of Science, British Library
Last known: Special Collections Librarian, University Library, Cambridge
Catherine Eagleton
Thesis: Instruments in context: telling the time in England, 1350–1500
Placement after PhD: Curator, Modern Money, The British Museum
Last known: Director of Museums, University of St Andrews
Greg Fried
Thesis: What theory cannot capture: Freud and four philosophers on humour
Placement after PhD: University Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Cape Town
Anna Mayer
Thesis: Roots of the history of science in Britain, 1916–1950
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, University of Florida
Last known: Research Fellow, Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, Bath
Kemal de Soysa
Thesis: Using globes and celestial planispheres in Restoration England
Placement after PhD: International equity research firm, Sri Lanka
Last known: Independent Non-Executive Director, Nations Trust Bank PLC
Susan Gamble
Thesis: The hologram and its antecedents, 1891–1965: the illusory history of a three-dimensional illusion
Placement after PhD: Independent artist
Charlotte Bigg
Thesis: Behind the lines: spectroscopic enterprises in early twentieth-century Europe
Placement after PhD: Research Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Last known: Chargée de recherche (permanent senior research fellow), CNRS, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris
Rachel Cooper
Thesis: Classifying madness: a philosophical examination of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Placement after PhD: Lecturer, Philosophy, Lancaster University
Last known: Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, Lancaster University
Jim Endersby
Thesis: Putting plants in their place: Joseph Hooker's philosophical botany, 1838–1865
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge
Last known: Reader, History of Science, University of Sussex
Gerald Kutcher
Thesis: Clinical ethics and research imperatives in human radiation experiments: a case of contested conduct
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, History of Science, Technology and Medicine, SUNY Binghamton
Last known: Professor, History of Science, Technology and Medicine, SUNY Binghamton
Wen-Ji Wang
Thesis: A genealogy for the psychoanalyst: Bildung, experiment, and the training of the psychoanalyst
Placement after PhD: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Last known: Associate Professor, Institute of Science, Technology and Society, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
Anjan Chakravartty
Thesis: Semirealism: the metaphysical foundations of scientific realism
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto
Last known: Professor and Director, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values, Notre Dame, USA
Talal Debs
Thesis: Representation and symmetry: an analysis of the tension between objectivity and conventionality in modern physics
Placement after PhD: Research Associate, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, LSE
Last known: Executive Director, JP Morgan, NY
Cathy Gere
Thesis: Psyche's labyrinth: Minoan archaeology and modern prophecy, 1900–1945
Placement after PhD: Wellcome Trust Research Associate, King's College, Cambridge
Last known: Associate Professor, History and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego
Christopher Haley
Thesis: Envisioning the unseen universe: models of the ether in the nineteenth century
Placement after PhD: Departmental Archivist and Historian, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Last known: Executive Director, Policy and Research, Nesta, London
Anandi Hattiangadi
Thesis: Oughts and thoughts: scepticism and the normativity of content
Placement after PhD: Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Oxford; Tutorial Fellow, St Hilda's College, Oxford
Last known: Professor in Philosophy, Stockholm University; Pro Futura Scientia Fellow, Swedish Collegium of Advanced Studies
Tim Lewens
Thesis: Organisms and artefacts – design in nature and elsewhere
Placement after PhD: University Lecturer, HPS Cambridge
Last known: Professor, HPS Cambridge
Michael Rich
Thesis: The passing of miracles: anti-realism and the success of science
Placement after PhD: Local government, UK
Eugenia Roldan Vera
Thesis: Book export and the transmission of knowledge from Britain to early-independent Spanish America
Placement after PhD: Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, Centre for Comparative Education, Humboldt University, Berlin
Last known: Professor, Department of Educational Research, Cinvestav, Mexico City
Sujit Sivasundaram
Thesis: Nature speaks theology: colonialism, cultivation, conversion and the Pacific, 1795–1850
Placement after PhD: Research Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Last known: Reader in World History, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge
John Tresch
Thesis: Mechanical romanticism: engineers of the artificial paradise
Placement after PhD: Assistant Professor, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
Joerg Tuske
Thesis: Is emotion the colour of thought? Philosophical reflections
Placement after PhD: Assistant Editor, Wittgenstein Archive, Cambridge
Last known: Professor, Philosophy, Salisbury University, Maryland, USA
Karin Tybjerg
Thesis: Doing philosophy with machines: Hero of Alexandria's rhetoric of mechanics in relation to the contemporary philosophy
Placement after PhD: Moses and Mary Finley Research Fellowship, Darwin College, Cambridge
Last known: Associate Professor, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen