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Department of History and Philosophy of Science


Reports and payment

CamCORS (the Cambridge Colleges' Online Reporting System for Supervisions) should be used by everyone supervising Part IB, Part II and Part III students to write supervision reports and claim payment for supervisions. Ask your College (or the College for which you are supervising) to register you to use CamCORS.


To claim payment for supervising MPhil and PhD students, use the following form:

Graduate supervision claim form

To ensure that they can receive payment for their work, supervisors are advised to apply for a National Insurance number (if they do not already have one). They should do this as soon as possible as it can take several weeks to come through.

Supervision rooms

The availability of supervision rooms in the Department is severely limited, so please try to hold supervisions in your College whenever possible.

To book a room in the Department please contact the main office. Early booking is advisable. Please arrange your supervisions to start on the hour so the rooms can be used as efficiently as possible.

Email list

The hps-supervisors email list is used to communicate with everyone who supervises Part IB and Part II students in the Department.

Subscribe to hps-supervisors

Guides to supervising

For more information, see the Department's guides to supervising:

Training of postgraduate students who supervise undergraduates

All postgraduate students with supervisory or teaching responsibilities must be appropriately trained. Everyone intending to supervise is required to attend the Department's supervisor training sessions, whether or not they have supervised before. We particularly welcome the attendance of experienced supervisors at these sessions as they can provide valuable advice and insights for new supervisors. The sessions begin at the start of Michaelmas Term: see postgraduate and postdoc training for dates and further details.

In addition, postgraduate students who intend to supervise undergraduates must complete the course 'An Introduction to Undergraduate Supervision', which is run by the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Resources for HPS supervisors