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Department of History and Philosophy of Science


This reading group uses science fiction (and its associated genres, such as fantasy, speculative fiction, and dystopia) as a lens to explore themes in the history and philosophy of science. We investigate a wide range of topics, from aliens and AI to time travel and transhumanism. Our goal is to both deepen our understanding of topical SF themes and to explore, methodologically, how SF can interact with HPS. How can SF illustrate and enlighten our philosophical concepts? How can we use SF as a resource for our histories?

Our weekly readings usually consist of one short story, with option secondary sources – such as scientific articles, historical discussions, and philosophical analyses – provided for interested readers. We meet fortnightly on Tuesdays from 3pm–4pm. All are welcome!

Organised by Mallory Hrehor (mh2217) and Nikki Levesley (nml46).

Background readings on SF & HPS

Literature & History:
Bono, J.J. (2010). 'Making Knowledge: History, Literature, and the Poetics of Science'. Isis 101(3), 555–559.

SF & History:
Rees, A., & Morus, I.R. (2019). 'Presenting Futures Past: Science Fiction and the History of Science'. Osiris 34(1), 1–15.

SF & Philosophy:
Mac Laughlin, A. (2018). 'Editor's Notes: The What and Why of This Journal'. Journal of Science Fiction & Philosophy 1(1), 1–9.

Easter Term 2024: Biological Experiments in Bulgakov and Wells

Note: the fiction readings are all available in the public domain, e.g. on Project Gutenberg. The recommended editions and translations will be circulated on the mailing list.

14 May, 3pm, Board Room

The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), H.G. Wells

Secondary reading: Elce, E.B. (2018). '"Never mind the dog": Experimental Subjects in H.G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau and Wilkie Collins' Heart and Science'. The Wilkie Collins Journal, 15.

28 May, 3pm, Seminar Room 2

Fatal Eggs (1924), Mikhail Bulgakov

Secondary reading: Krementsov, N. (2014). 'The Ray of Life: Science in Revolutions'. In Krementsov, N., Revolutionary Experiments: The Quest for Immortality in Bolshevik Science and Fiction (New York, 2014), Chapter 1.

11 June, 3pm, Board Room

Heart of the Dog (1925), Mikhail Bulgakov

Secondary reading: Krementsov, N. (2014). 'The Dog's Heart and Monkey Glands: Rejuvenation'. In Krementsov, N., Revolutionary Experiments: The Quest for Immortality in Bolshevik Science and Fiction (New York, 2014), Chapter 5.