Recording of lectures
Statement on recording of lectures, academic year 2024–25
Full schedules of lectures and seminars for Part IB, Part II, Part III and MPhil.
Students' guides
The students' guide contains essential information and advice about your course.
- Part IB
- Part II, including BBS options
- Part III
- MPhil: History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
- MPhil: Health, Medicine and Society
- PhD
There are many specialist print and online resources for History and Philosophy of Science in Cambridge. Please visit HPS LibGuides for an overview of the resources and research support available for this subject.
Single-paper options
We offer a number of single-paper options for students from other triposes – Classics, History, HSPS, Philosophy and PBS – and also for students taking NST Part II Biological and Biomedical Sciences and Physical Sciences.
Feedback Surveys 2024-25
Current students are invited to give course-specific feedback through online forms. Links are provided below for forms currently available to complete.
HPS Supervisor Feedback 2024-25
Instant feedback
Students are welcome to use our instant feedback form at any time throughout the year to comment on lectures, supervisions and other aspects of teaching.
More information
- Complaints: How to resolve problems
- Computing information: Using IT facilities in and around the Department
- Consent for recording online teaching: How to opt out of being recorded
- Directors of Studies: The HPS Director of Studies for each College
- Dissertation and essay supervisors: Who supervises which topics
- Examinations data retention policy: What happens to data after the exams
- Examiners' reports: Reports on each year's exams
- Fieldwork, working away, risk assessment and insurance: Guidance for postgraduate students planning to work away from Cambridge
- Past exam papers: Exam papers from previous years
- Plagiarism guidelines: How to avoid plagiarism, and the Department's use of Turnitin UK
- Referencing: How to set out references and bibliographies
- Research guides: Past and current members of the HPS Department have put together advice about how to begin your research on a variety of topics. Some of these research guides are now outdated but can still provide very useful information.
- Student prizes: Prizes for the best student work
- Student representation: The Monitoring Committee and student representatives
- Supervision norms: The frequency of supervisions for each course
- Whipple Museum: Opportunities to study the Museum's collection
- Working with human participants: Guidance about ethical approval and data protection