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Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Natural history books in the Whipple Library

Research topics and readings in history and philosophy of science


The purpose of the research guide is to provide helpful information for Part II, Part III and postgraduate students beginning research in HPS at Cambridge.

The articles are widely varied in their approaches, emphases and degrees of specialisation. No attempt has been made to provide standardised or comprehensive bibliographies – though you will find references to such bibliographies here.

Please note that some of the contributions are so valuable we have retained them even though they have become rather out of date. In such cases it is worth checking to see whether the works listed exist in later editions.

We would greatly welcome new contributions, either research guides for new areas, or suggestions for updating the existing articles. Contributions, additions and suggestions – in electronic form if possible, please – to David Thompson.

The information in these articles may not be complete, and we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the material. So always remember rule number one of research – check your references!