Monday at 2pm in week 2 and Tuesdays at 3pm in weeks 4–6 of Michaelmas Term
Part II students are strongly encouraged to attend these sessions, which provide crucial advice about writing essays, primary source essays and dissertations.
Research Methods (1): Introduction to library and digital resources
21 October, 2–3pm, Old Library, Whipple Library
Jack Dixon
Research Methods (2): How to write primary sources essays
5 November, 3–4pm, Seminar Room 1
Matt Farr and Charu Singh
Research Methods (3): How to write a dissertation
12 November, 3–4pm, Seminar Room 2
Marta Halina and Staffan Müller-Wille
Research Methods (4): Visit to the UL and its resources
19 November, 3–4pm, meet at the entrance of the UL
Peter Rees and Emma Perkins