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Department of History and Philosophy of Science


PhD student

College: Peterhouse

Supervisor: Stephen John    Advisor: Anna Alexandrova

Thesis topics: Values in science, scientific classification, public health science

Research fields: General philosophy of science, philosophy of medicine, political philosophy, history and philosophy of the physical sciences



Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism. Foundations of Chemistry (2023). 



'Discovering Elements that Don't Exist: On the Recognition of Superheavy Nuclides,' part of symposium 'The Nature of Scientific Discovery in Chemistry.' International Congress of History of Science and Technology. University of Otago (2025, scheduled).

'How Contingent Are the Results of Value-Dependent Science?' British Society for the Philosophy of Science Conference. University of York (2024). 

'Does Political Theory Offer Solutions for the Values in Science Literature, or Only Bigger Problems?' Revitalizing Science and Values. University of Pittsburgh (2024).

'Are There Any Natural Kinds? Reconsidering Chemical Elements.' History and Philosophy of Science Departmental Seminar Series. University of Melbourne (2023). [invited]

'Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism.' 26th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry. University of Lille (2022).


Prior Education:

2022 - MPhil, History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine. University of Cambridge. First Class Distinction.

2020 - BA (Hons), History and Philosophy of Science. University of Melbourne. First Class.

2019 - BA, History and Philosophy of Science, and Politics and International Studies. University of Melbourne. First Class.



HPS Part II Paper 6: Ethics and Politics of Science and Medicine (2023-2025).

HPS Part II Paper 4: Philosophy of Economics (2024).

HPS Part II Paper 4: Philosophy of the Biomedical Sciences: Concepts and Evidence (2024).

HPS Part II Paper 4: Philosophy of Climate Science (2025).


Other Roles:

Research Assistant for the project 'Complex Modelling and Political Decision-Making: Addressing Technical and Moral Problems' (2025).

Co-Convenor, Values in Science Reading Group (2025).

Admissions Interviewer for Undergraduate Philosophy, Pembroke College (2023-2024).



Zimmern Studentship, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.

Rausing Studentship, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.

Bruckmann Award, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge.

Cambridge Trust Scholarship, University of Cambridge.

Best Paper Award, for this paper in the Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia, from the Australasian Association of Philosophy.

Monte Cairns

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